Saturday, December 21, 2013

Battle of Aspern-Essling (21-22 May 1809): Aspern

I am republishing photographs I took on July 3, 2009 a few months after the 200th anniversary of the Battle. My wife Lindsey and I were touring Austria and I took a side-trip to Aspern and Essling whilst staying for a few wonderful days in Vienna.

The trip was made possible by the excellent private guide I had for the day, Erich Kammerleithner. Erich made all the arrangements for me to gain access to the Aspern Village Museum and the Granary Museum in Essling. I highly recommend Erich who also gave us an excellent private tour of Schonbrunn Palace.

Erich can be reached at:

His web site is at this link:

First, the village of Aspern.

Lion Memorial and Church, Aspern

Aspern Lion Memorial

Aspern Austrian Memorial

Aspern Church (re-built)

French Magazine marker

Marechal de l'Empire, Jean Lannes, Duc de Montebello, Memorial, Aspern

Aspern Museum

Interior of Aspern Museum

Interior of Aspern Museum