Delhi Durbar, 1911
I thought I would hold my own "Durbar" today to display my British and Indian Colonial Forces, circa 1878. I have often seen Alte Fritz's Grand Reviews of his amazing Seven Years War Armies. I have borrowed the concept for my much smaller Colonial army. I can only claim to have myself painted the Gunga Din figure, the regimental bhisti of Rudyard Kipling's famous poem, plus the other Indian bearers. All of the other figures were painted by either Leuthen Studios or Carl Robson. The collection was the work of several years and includes figures by Perry, Foundry, Empress and Pontoonier Miniatures.
Left: 13th Bengal Lancers (Duke of Connaught's Horse) Right: 9th Bengal Lancers (Hodsons Horse) |
Left: 13th Bengal Lancers (Duke of Connaught's Horse)
Right: 9th Bengal Lancers (Hodsons Horse) |
13th Bengal Lancers (Duke of Connaught's Horse) |
9th Bengal Lancers (Hodsons Horse) |
The Queen's Own Corps of Guides, Mounted and Foot |
The Queen's Own Corps of Guides, Mounted and Foot |
Kohat Battery, Mountain Artillery with 7 pounder Screw-guns |
15th Bengal Infantry (Ludhiana Sikhs) |
45th Bengal Infantry (Rattray's Sikhs) |
Regimental bhisti and bearers |
So I'll meet 'im later onAt the place where 'e is gone --Where it's always double drill and no canteen;'E'll be squattin' on the coalsGivin' drink to poor damned souls,An' I'll get a swig in hell from Gunga Din!Yes, Din! Din! Din!You Lazarushian-leather Gunga Din!Though I've belted you and flayed you,By the livin' Gawd that made you,You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
Left: Gardiner Gun and Naval Brigade Crew
Right: Royal Artillery with 7 pounder Screw-gun
2nd Battalion, Queen's Regiment |
92nd Gordon Highlanders |
York and Lancashire Regiment |
5th (Royal Irish) Lancers |
5th (Royal Irish) Lancers |
19th Hussars |
19th Hussars |
10th Hussars |
10th Hussars |
10th Hussars |
Camel Corps, 5th Dragoon Guards section |
Camel Corps, 5th Dragoon Guards section |
Royal Horse Artillery with 9 pdr Gun
Royal Army Medical Corps |
Royal Army Medical Corps |
13th Bengal Lancers Duke of Connaughts aka 4th Sikh Watsons Horse |
13th Bengal Lancers Duke of Connaughts aka 4th Sikh Watsons Horse |
9th Bengal Lancers (Hodsons Horse) |
9th Bengal Lancers (Hodsons Horse) |