On March 21, 2015, I had the pleasure of hosting JG Randall, Rod Galati, Frank Patterson and Harmon Ward to a Game Day at my home in Laguna Niguel in our West Wing guest room/game room. JG Randall demonstrated the versatility of his own rule system, Fire & Maneuver, by staging first a Civil War meeting engagement between Brigade-sized opposing forces.
After a Union victory, the battlescape was transformed in minutes into France 1940 and another meeting engagment was fought between a French Cavalry (armoured) section which had come across a German recce platoon. German armour in the form of a PzKpfw II section reinforced the Axis troops whilst a Troop of the Queen's Bays in A13, A9 and A10 Medium Cruisers rushed to the support of the outnumbered but heroic French tankers in their Somua S35's.
The two games illustrated very well the playability, realism and adaptability of this innovative rule system. Frank Patterson built many of the buildings and other scenic props.
I provided the ACW forces. The figures came from the collection of British author Martin Robson which I was very fortunate to acquire in 2014. They are Perry miniatures painted by Martin for his own use.
The A13's were customized and painted for me by Duncan Hamilton. The metal castings were made by Ian Crouch of BEF Miniatures. The rights to these and other of Crouchie's AFV's were acquired in 2011 by Warlord Games and many subsequently re-released in resin. All the other AFV's are the work of Neil Burt of Troop of Shewe. The infantry were painted for me by Carl Robson of Raven Painting.
I highly recommend Fire & Maneuver if you want a fast, fluid and enjoyable wargame with historical resonance but without becoming rules-bound.
The Federal troops hold the High Ground |
The apple orchard held by Berdan's Sharpshooters |
Frank deploys in Line |
Note the Union battery silhoueted on the hill |
Reb Brigade moving up |
Battlefield overview |
Union forces close for the kill |
Frank considers |
Col. Chamberlain omnipresent |
Firefight on the fence line |
Zouave reinforcements force the flank |
Union artillery takes its toll |
Confederate riposte on the Union flank |
Key to Victory: Berdan's Sharpshooters |
Setting up 1940 scenario |
The KOSB's advance |
Supported by A13 Cruisers of the Queen's Bays |
German Recce unit supported by PzKpfw II's |