Saturday, January 4, 2014

HistWar: Napoleon and HistWar Grognard Scenarios

Digging a little deeper, I have found that the new version of HistWar runs the legacy scenarios from Grognard. I experimented with my favorite scenario: Borodino. The unit OOB's, scenario file and maps can be copied to the same folders in Napoleon. By some JMM magic, the system then runs the battle with the new GUI and graphics. The result is astonishing.

A French Caisson brews up

Dawn at the Moscowa

The Following slides are of Latour-Maubourg's IV Cavalry Corps with my favourite Saxon Heavy Cavalry Brigade.

4th Light Cavalry Division: 3rd, 11th and 16th Polish Uhlans

7th Heavy Cavalry Division, von Thielmann's Brigade: Polish 14th Cuirassiers, Saxon Garde du Corps, Saxon von Zastrow Cuirassiers

7th Heavy Cavalry Division, Lepel's Brigade: 1st/2nd Westphalian Cuirassiers