Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Battle of Perryville, October 8, 1862

On a recent visit to Kentucky, I was able to visit the battlefield at Perryville. This battle between Confederate General Braxton Bragg and Union Major General Don Carlos Buell was the largest fought in Kentucky.

I spent two half days walking the battlefield. The series of ridges crossed by the attacking Rebs as they routed regiment after regiment of raw Union troops is breathtaking. The battlefield is beautifully maintained as a State Historic Site with the trails carefully cut through the grass or field cover to allow access to all of the principal features of the battlefield.

Since the second of the 2 visits was on my birthday, December 2nd, the visit was all the more special. I was the only visitor to the park that day and enjoyed myself immensely. Don't miss this if you are in Central Kentucky!